Friday 13 September 2013

(Missha) Super Aqua - Pore clarifying toner

First of all, I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!! I've been using it for half a year now and I'm so use to putting it on every night that I probably wouldn't know what to do without it. As you can see in the picture, I have used half of the bottle already, I actually had to take it with me overseas when I went to Vietnam for a holiday last month... it does wonders.

I actually have really oily skin and so it's really easy for me to get pimples and things like that but after using this toner for about a month, I found that pimples have stopped forming and my skin isn't as oily anymore, at one stage it was too dry so I recommend putting moisturizer on after you apply this toner. This product is also really helpful if you wear make-up, even though you might use face cleanser, it might be a good idea to use a toner to help clean it completely, this toner does a great job.

It's not hard to apply it on, just takes about five to seven minutes. All you have to do is get a cotton pad, pour enough of the toner on to the cotton pad and apply it all over your face. I normally use two cotton pads but it's up to you. the toner is really refreshing once you've applied it on your face. The holes actually pretty small at the top so it'll prevent too much liquid coming out.

I feel weird, it's like I'm advertising the product but believe me it's really good... to me anyways :D Just remember to apply moisturizer afterwards ;)

Bye, hope you like my review:)

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